1 Obiwon, because Anakinnot!
2 Obiwanna cracker? Oh, padme but I'm sorry, Anakinnot.
3 I'm cooking dinner on my E-wok while I watch Twi'lek.
4 I bought some Wookie steak for dinner. It's a little Chewy!
5 Sale at the Maul, everything's half off!
6 You're looking for love in Alderaan places.
7 A Jawa just opened a Tattoo shop. It's called Tatooin' on Tatooine.
8 Did you hear? Darth Vader is learning a musical instrument. He's taking on the Rebel Bass.

1 Knock Knock? Who's there? Duke! Duke who? Count Duke Who, may the 4th be with you!
2 Knock Knock? Who's there? Watto! Watto who? Watto you doin', open the door!

1 SO I'm a BOUNTY hunter, right? I meet this COOCOONUT in a MARS BAR, calls himself Willie WAMPA. He says 'Hey, KITKAT, wanna dance?'. He takes me out to the TOP DECK. Then he SNICKERS at me, and pulls out a gun! But he had BUTTERFINGERS, and I have a lot of TWIX up my sleeve. I used my rocket BOOST to BREAKAWAY through the AERO. He says, 'Well you're a real SMARTIE arent you? Time to meet my boys, the M&M's'. I laughed, pulled out my dual flame throwers and burnt them to a CRISPY CRUNCH. I broke off a FLAKE of CRUNCHIE flesh for proof. FREDDO wasn't too happy about it. FUDGE, he owns half the GALAXY. I took his kids for a PICNIC today and told them what happened. It gave them quite a KINDER SURPRISE. I always find myself in ALDERAAN places. Everywhere I go, the same shit happens. I tried the LION BAR, the HEALTH BAR, the DOVE BAR, the HERSHEY BAR. Heck, I even tried the CHOCOLATE BAR. I keep telling myself it's all a bad DREAM. Anyway, nice chatting with ya. I need to TAKE 5 and have a TIME OUT. Did that Wookie just fart?. CHEWY RIPE, phew!

1 Question: What did the Rankcor say after eating Sand People?
Answer: I can't believe it's not Jawa!
2 Question: What did the Sand people psychologist say to his wife after a long day?
Answer: Honey, I shrunk the Jawa.
3 Question: What does everyone watch on the Tatooine holonet every Sunday evening?
Answer: Jawa's say the darndest things.
4 Question: What did Gary Coleman say when Bruce Willis confused him for an Ewok?
Answer: What-jawa talkin bout Willis!
5 Question: What do you call a Jawa in a bottle?
Answer: I dream of Jawa.
6 Question: Who is the Jawas' favorite magician?
Answer: Houdini!
7 Question: What is a Jawa's favorite electronic toy?
&Answer: Bop it.
8 Question: What do stormtroopers say when they jump out of a drop ship?
Answer: Jawanimo!
9 Question: Why did the Ewok scratch the Jawa?
Answer: Because he was an ichijawa!
10 Question: What do Jawa's have that no other creature in the galaxy has?
Answer: Baby Jawas.

1 Question: What do you call Chewbacca when he has chocolate stuck in his hair?
Answer: Chocolate Chip Wookiee.
2 Question: What did the rancor say after he ate a Wookiee?
Answer: Chewie!
3 Question: What do you call the website Chewbacca started that gives out Empire secrets?
Answer: Wookieeleaks.
4 Question: What does a Wookie smoke?
Answer: Chewbacco!
5 Question: How do you unlock doors on Kashyyyk?
Answer: With a woo-key

1 Question: Why is a droid mechanic never lonely?
Answer: Because he's always making new friends.
2 Question: What kind of phone does C3PO use?
Answer: Android.
3 Question: What do you call a pirate droid?
Answer: Argh2-D2.
4 Question: Why did C3PO take so long to open the door?
Answer: Because he took an R2-detour.
5 Question: What did Luke Skywalker say when he lost his Droid?
Answer: Where R-2!
6 Question: Why doesn't R2-D2 have any brothers?
Answer: Because they're all transisters

1 Question: Why did Yoda cross the road?
Answer: Because the chickens Forced him to.
2 Question: What does Yoda say to encourage a Padawan before a test?
Answer: Do well, you will do!
3 Question: Why did Yoda visit Bank of America yesterday?
Answer: He needed a bank clone!
4 Question: Why shouldn't you ask Yoda for money?
Answer: Because he's always a little short.

1 Question: What do Jedi use to view PDF files?
Answer: Adobe Wan Kenobi
2 Question: What do you call a Jedi in denial?
Answer: Obi-Wan Cannot Be.
3 Question: Which Star Wars character uses meat for a weapon instead of a Lightsaber?
Answer: Obi Wan Baloney.
4 Question: What do you call a Mexican jedi?
Answer: Obi-Juan Kenobi.
5 Question: What do you call a Jedi who loves tacos?
Answer: Obi-Juan Kenobi.
6 Question: Who tries to be a Jedi?
Answer: Obi-Wannabe.

1 Question: What is the temperature inside a Tauntaun?
Answer: Luke warm.
2 Question: Why didn't Luke Skywalker cross the road?
Answer: Because he got a ticket for Skywalking.

1 Question: What do you get when you give Leia a wet willie?
Answer: A fingerbun
2 Question: Why does Princess Leia keep her hair tied up in buns?
Answer: So it doesn't Hang so low!
3 Question: Where does Princess Leia go shopping for clothing and such?
Answer: At the Darth Maul, of course.

1 Question: What do you call a Smuggler with one arm?
Answer: Hand Solo!
2 Question: What do you call Harrison Ford when he smokes weed?
Answer: Han So-high.
3 Question: What do you call it when only one Star Wars character gives you a round of applase?
Answer: A Hand Solo!
4 Question: Why is Han Solo a loner?
Answer: Because he's solo.
5 Question: Why is the Millenium Falcon so slow?
Answer: Because it takes a millenium to go anywhere.
6 Question: Why should you never tell jokes on the Falcon?
Answer: The ship might crack up.
7 Question: Why did Han Solo cross the road?
Answer: Because he had a bad feeling about this.

1 Question: How does Darth Vader like his toast?
Answer: A little on the dark side.
2 Question: Why can't Darth Vader take a joke?
Answer: Because he lost his humerus
3 Question: What goes, "Ha, ha, ha, haaaa.... AGGGHHHH! Thump"?
Answer: An Imperial Officer laughing at Darth Vader.
4 Question: Which Star Wars character works at a restaurant?
Answer: Darth Waiter.
5 Question: How does Darth Vader know what you're getting for Christmas?
Answer: Becaues he can feel your presents.

1 Question: What do you call a blind Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Blinks.
2 Question: What do you call a Jar Jar who almost got the joke?
Answer: Jar Jar Brinks.
3 Question: What do you call a Chinese Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Chinks.
4 Question: What do you call an alcoholic Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Drinks.
5 Question: What do you call a Jar Jar with tatoo's?
Answer: Jar Jar Inks.
6 Question: What do you call an unlucky Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Jinx.
7 Question: What do you call a Jar Jar with a broken back?
Answer: Jar Jar Kinks.
8 Question: What do you call a well connected Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Links.
9 Question: What do you call a Jar Jar in a bottle?
Answer: A Paradox!
10 Question: What do you call a homosexual Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Pinks.
11 Question: What do you call a tiny Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Shrinks.
12 Question: What do you call a drowning Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Sinks.
13 Question: What do you call a Jar Jar who tumbles down the stairs?
Answer: Jar Jar Slinks.
14 Question: What do you call an Egyptian Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Sphinx.
15 Question: What do you call a smelly Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Stinks.
16 Question: What do you call a smart Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Thinks.
17 Question: What do you call a transvestite Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Twinks.
18 Question: What do you call a secretive Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Winks.
19 Question: What do you call a sunburnt Jar Jar?
Answer: Jar Jar Zinks.
20 Question: What does a baby Jar Jar say?
Answer: Joo Joo Jar Jar.
21 Question: What do Gungans put things in?
Answer: Jar Jars.
22 Question: Where does Qui-Gon keep his jam?
Answer: In a Jar-Jar.
23 Question: Can you beat a Gungan at a staring contest?
Answer: Yes, because Jar Jar blinks!
24 Question: How do you greet a pirate Jar Jar?
Answer: Jargh! Jargh!

1 Question: What is a jedi's favorite toy?
Answer: A yo-yoda The best part of any person is always their Dark Side.
2 Question: What is Jabba the Hutt's middle name?
Answer: "The"
3 Question: Why did Padme Amidala keep her Boots on?
Answer: Because they were too BOOT-iful!
4 Question: What's the name of the worst cantina on Coruscant?
Answer: The Ackbar.
5 Question: What do Whipids say when they kiss?
Answer: Ouch.
6 Question: How does a Jedi fart?
Answer: They use the force.
7 Question: What do you call stormtroopers playing Monopoly?
Answer: Game of Clones.
8 Question: Why did the angry Jedi cross the road?
Answer: To get to the Dark Side.
9 Question: When did Anakin's Jedi masters know he was leaning towards the dark side?
Answer: In the Sith Grade.
10 Question: How is Ducktape like the Force?
Answer: It has a Dark Side, a Light side and it binds the galaxy together.
11 Question: What do you call a potato that has turned to the Dark side?
Answer: Vader Tots.
12 Question: What do you call a Sith who won't fight?
Answer: A Sithy.
13 Question: Where does Jabba the Hutt eat?
Answer: Pizza Hutt.
14 Question: How do Ewoks communicate over long distances?
Answer: With Ewokie Talkies.
15 Question: What do you call 5 siths piled on top of a lightsaber?
Answer: A Sith-Kabob!
16 Question: What do you call a fight between film actors?
Answer: Star Wars!
17 Question: Why do Vornksrs stop slowly?
Answer: They're afraid of whiplash.
18 Question: What time is it when an AT-AT steps on your chronometer?
Answer: Time to get a new chronometer.
19 Question: What do you call a person who brings a rancor its dinner?
Answer: The appetizer.
20 Question: How many Corellians does it take to change a glowpanel?
Answer: None, if the room's dark, then you can't see them cheat at sabacc.
21 Question: How would a fat Rogue get into his X-wing?
Answer: He'd Wedge himself in.
22 Question: Why did the Ewok fall out of the tree?
Answer: It was dead.
23 Question: Why do Twi'leks like to flip coins?
Answer: So that they can say, "Heads or tails!"
24 Question: As a Disney character what song would Vader sing?
Answer: "When You Wish Upon A Death Star".
25 Question: What do you call a bounty hunter from the South?
Answer: Bubba Fett.
26 Question: How many Sith does it take to screw in a hyperdrive?
Answer: Two, but I don't know how they got in it.
27 Question: What's the differance between an ATAT and a stormtrooper?
Answer: One's an Imperial walker and the other is a walking Imperial.
28 Question: Why did the Stormtrooper start jumping up and down?
Answer: He stepped on Ant-hillies.
29 Question: What do you call two suns fighting each other?
Answer: Star Wars.
30 Question: Why did the crazy Angrallian Toobir cross the nebula?
Answer: To get to the other dementia.
31 Question: What do Star Destroyers wear to parties?
Answer: A bow TIE.
32 Question: Why does Leia wear buns on her head?
Answer: In case she gets hungry in a Senate meeting.
33 Question: Why did Kit Fisto storm out of the sushi restaurant?
Answer: Because they were serving Mon Calamari.
34 Question: How many stormtroopers does it take to replace a lightbulb?
Answer: Two; one to screw the bulb in, the other to shoot him and take the credit.
35 Question: What side of an Ewok has the most hair?
Answer: The outside.
36 Question: What happens when a red and white X-Wing crashes into green water?
Answer: It gets wet.
37 Question: Why did the smuggler cross the spacelanes?
Answer: To get to the other side.
38 Question: What do you call a female Mandalorian?
Answer: A Womandalorian.
39 Question: Which Imperial commander was afraid of swimming?
Answer: Darth Wader.
40 Question: What do Mexican x-wing pilots eat before a battle?
Answer: Wedge and Chillies
41 Question: Who was Anakin's stunt double?
Answer: Mannequin Skywalker.
42 Question: Why can't Imperial pilots ever win at space battles?
Answer: Because they always end up in a TIE.
43 Question: What do you call it when Darth Vader force lift's an elephant?
Answer: An ele-Vader.